Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Summing it Up

Well like everyone else, it seems, the cold/flu has invaded our household. First Larry went down, then I did, and finally Baby O. Unfortunately Odessa seemed to catch the brunt of it with cold and flu symptoms all at once. Last night seemed to the worst so far with a temp of 102 lasting hours. She was miserable. So sad!


Melissa Zollner said...

Oh I FEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL your pain. It is the worst. Hang in there, and this sounds gross, but don't change your shirt every time it gets dirty - wayyyyy too much laundry that way. Better to just be nasty and stinky for a little while. Babies are so juicy.

Kalina said...

Oh sad mooch. I am glad you are getting better. Your mommy cannot handle lock down much longer. :-)