Monday, June 18, 2007

Fathers Day 2007

Well, no photo montages this day because 1) I am not motivated to create it and 2) well, number one is pretty much it. But I will say that we had a good Father's Day. We spent the day hanging out with baby O and that was fun. I gave Larry a gift that he had been eyeing since the first time we went to the Saturday Market. They are decorated tin cans which are strung together with lights inside (photo to be attached later). This gift motivated Larry to finish carpeting our deck. Now we don't have to worry about Odessa eating the wood chips that she scrapes off. And that is a good thing. Additionally, my mom babysat the O noodle and Larry and I got to go to a movie! Together! We saw Knocked Up -- very funny and quite appropriate for Father's Day.

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