Tonight at dinner Maddy was asking me a question, asking me for bubble water in her apple juice or something, and Jason started to tell her no and she put her hand up flat-palmed facing him and said "Daddy, i was talking to Mama". i almost pee'd myself laughing.
Are we really not born with talents? I think we are, we just are not developed enough to know we have them or what they are. Some talents are more complexed than others.
Tonight at dinner Maddy was asking me a question, asking me for bubble water in her apple juice or something, and Jason started to tell her no and she put her hand up flat-palmed facing him and said "Daddy, i was talking to Mama". i almost pee'd myself laughing.
Are we really not born with talents? I think we are, we just are not developed enough to know we have them or what they are. Some talents are more complexed than others.
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