Monday, March 17, 2008

Lazy Parenting

Today I was a lazy mom. And one is supposed to "pick their battles" right? And, "no" is becoming my least favorite word ever.

Today Odessa:

  • ate cookies for breakfast
  • drank almost all of the rootbeer
  • ate lunch on the living room floor
  • used markers to draw on herself and her clothes (and likely some other places that I haven't yet discovered)
  • went outside without shoes
  • "painted" with yogurt

And, it isn't even bedtime yet.


Dory said...

I think you're a terrific mom, and all the better for feeding her cookies for breakfast! You're teaching her spontaneity, right? Great link, too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for providing the link to the Lazy Parent article. I was in the docs office this morning and could not finish the article nor did I want to ask to take the mag home. It's so nice to see that I'm not the only one who forgot to let the Tooth Fairy in!