Sunday, January 27, 2008

Diagnosis: Parent Brain

Me:"Lar, have you seen my wallet?"
Lar: "No mam"

An hour later...

Me: I found my wallet in the weirest spot -- in a bowl on top of the refrigerator! How strange that I would put it up there seeing that I can't even reach" (sarcasm)
Lar: Oops.

Me: "Lar, have you seen the brown sugar?"
Lar: "No mam...but maybe you should check on top of the refrigerator just in case"
Me: "Already did. No luck this time"

Me: "Lar, have you seen my birth control pills?"
Lar: "No mam"
Me: "Or my brain? I believe that I lost it sometime in July of 06"

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