Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sleeping Like a Baby

Odessa was having a hard time falling asleep last night -- I guess that she takes after her mama :) She seemed very tired (ie cranky) at about 7:30 p.m. so we went to the bedroom lay down. Then she nursed and nursed and nursed (and nursed). Finally I said "Na-nas go night-night" and rolled over. She rolled around for a bit trying to get comfortable. The comfortable spot she chose was with her head resting on my back. After a few minutes, that baby head started to feel very heavy and yet I didn't want to chance waking her up and her wanting to nurse again. Luckily she rolled over again not long after that.

Just a few months ago, I never would have believed that the "na-nas go night-night" bit would ever actually work, but low and behold, they start to really understand SO much!

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